Friday, March 20, 2020

Speak Easy

George got the stink eye from a couple dining in the Black Tavern restaurant as
he made his way to the bar. They knew he was going to the speak easy. After giving the password and entering the secret room, he took a seat at the poker table and said, "I can't take a draconian way of life - this pandemic is getting me down!"

Jack responded, "Absolutely! Although, I don't miss the pell-mell pace of life," as he shuffled a worn deck of cards. "Must you light that cigar in here? It's off-putting." Tendrils of smoke hung in the air.

Janice took her place at the table and forged an idea. "Why don't we increase our wager? We scant bet an amount worth winning."

"Name your amount - I won't cower," said Jack.

George watched with disquiet as the others chastised one another.

"Janice, who are you to promulgate this a high-stakes poker club?" asked Jack.

"Would $10,000 titillate you? asked Janice as she tossed a wad of cash into the middle of the table. "Too much for you, Jack?"

"No, but this kind of japery is more fitting a middle-school student than an executive like yourself," said Jack. George added his stack of hundreds to the table.

"I'm out," said Jack - his voice thick with despair.

"If I win this $20,000, Jan, it'll be the zenith of my year," said George. Janice chuckled.

"Deal em, big boy," she said while sipping an Old-Fashioned made with Akashi whiskey.

Color wordsstink eye, draconian, pell-mell pace of life, off-putting, tendrils, titillate, forged an idea, scant, cower, japery more fitting a middle school student than a CEO, promulgate (proclaim formally), chastize, watched with disquiet, voice thick with despair, zenith, Old-Fashioned made with Akashi whiskey

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