Thursday, March 26, 2020

Mr. Crumb

 An adoring fan asked Robert Crumb, famous sixties underground cartoonist, for an autograph but was brusquely refused. A week later, Robert and his wife, Aline, prepared to move to France. He packed his rare collection of vintage blues albums en masse. It was a nightmare scenario to watch his prized possession being loaded into trucks by three brutes from the moving company. An interviewer pelted Robert with questions about his profligate artwork from the sixties.

"I'll tell you whatever you want to know."

"Aren't you afraid your controversial statements will imperil your legacy?" asked the antsy reporter.

"Even if I'm destitute, I won't censor my responses," said Robert.

"Let me ask about your comrade, Aline."

"Well, she's been a mainstay in my life for 40 years. It really put her on her heels when I first asked her on a date. As you might imagine, most women would be giddy to go on a date with a handsome mug like me - the world would be your oyster."

"I'm guessing you're saying that facetiously."

"Nope - I'm just an implacable creep."

Color words: brusque, en masse, nightmare scenario, pelted with questions, profligate, imperil, destitute, antsy, comrade, mainstay, put her on her heels, giddy, world is your oyster, facetious, implacable

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