Monday, March 23, 2020

Tyrion Meets Martha Stewart

Martha Stewart enjoyed tea and crumpets on her patio high above
Madison Avenue. It was the perfect escape from the hurly-burly of the city. She sipped gently then heard tiny footsteps closing in behind her. To her surprise, it was Tyrion Lannister - the dynamic dwarf from Game of Thrones! He was dressed in worn leather and had a woeful expression on his face.

"Tyrion! How have you travelled thousands of years into the future?" asked Martha.

"Melisandre, the red witch, granted me a spell and I chose to meet the queen of the future," said Tyrion.

"But, I'm no queen."

"According to the seven gods, you are the putative queen of modern civilization! My lady, don't grumble - you are immensely powerful. Someone with my skills could help you extol the benefits of your status."

"My dear Tyrion, you are exactly the kind of disruptive wunderkind I would've expected," Martha said.

"My lady, have no compunction about what you should do with your power. Rescind the restrictions your government has over you and assume your rightful place as the queen of these lands. Absolute servitude will become de rigour for all people of this land."

"America, this land is called America," said Martha.

"Ahhh America - I like it!" said Tyrion. "The die is cast - you will become the ruler and I can help you. You don't want a ham-fisted approach to taking over your country's rule."

Martha offered her new advisor a crumpet, of which he gobbled eagerly. "At first, your idea seemed an unwieldy request, but perhaps I could grow into the role. Queen of America - I like it more and more."

The little lion tittered nervously. "Now, you're acting like a queen, your grace," he said.

Color wordshurly-burly, woeful, putative, grumble, extol, long in the tooth, disruptive wunderkind, compunction, rescind, de rigor, the die is cast, ham-fisted, unwieldy, tittered nervously

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