Monday, March 30, 2020

A Proper Gin & Tonic

President Kennedy made his way to the oval office with a retinue of men in suits close behind. The Cuban missile crisis was nothing to be blase' about. Robert Kennedy began the briefing by explaining, "Soviet Premier Khrushchev claims Russia isn't storing any nuclear weapons in Cuba - but it doesn't pass the smell test."

The president sat back in his leather chair and said, "You know what? I've been pining for a nice gin and tonic."

"Jack, we're on the verge of a nuclear war!" exclaimed Robert.

The president ignored his brother and summoned the white house butler for the oval office. "Sappington, I need you to suss out some of that good gin we got in London last year. I need a proper gin and tonic, pronto!"

Robert continued, "Sir, we need to strategize. Khrushchev enfeebled us at the summit - we are at a clear disadvantage."

President Kennedy pointed at the curtains. "Anyone else find these curtains raffish?" he asked.

Secretary Rusk grew impatient. "Mr. President, we've laid out all of the options - what do you want to do?" he asked.

The president smirked and said, "I'd like some time for canoodling."

Robert became outraged and slammed his hand onto the president's desk.

"That kind of braggadocio is unnecessary, Bobby," said the president. "OK, if we must talk about this boring Cuban thing I'll dictate a communique to Secretary McNamara."

"Yes, that sounds better - thank you sir," said Robert.

President Kennedy called for his communications director to scribe. "Dear Bob, I made inroads with Marilyn at my birthday party. I believe her intentions were laid bare when she slipped me that box of cigars. I'm depressed because I got a gentle ribbing from that creep, Khrushchev. So, I want extra mint chocolate chip ice cream for dinner tonight."

Robert interrupted the dictation, "But sir - you're dictating a letter to Secretary of Defense McNamara - not the kitchen staff!"

"Oh, put a sock in it, Bobby - you're becoming quite the buzzy upstart. You want to do important work do you, Bobby?" the president screamed.

"I'm your attorney general - I should be doing work vital to our nation!" he said.

"You want an important title, hah? OK, you're my Director of Canoodling - now leave!"

Color words: retinue, blase', doesn't pass the smell test, pining for, suss out, enfeebled by, raffish, canoodle, communique', braggadocio, gentle ribbing from, make inroads, laid bare, buzzy upstart

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