Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Elvira's Love Muffin

The couple walked arm and arm past a busy market with boisterous hollers of fishmongers. They dined at an upscale restaurant overlooking the ocean.

"Are you enjoying that hearty stew, my little love muffin?" asked Elvira.

Warren Buffet looked up from his chowder and admired his date's beauty.

"Ya' know I thought you were gonna be persnickety - but you're a lot of fun, poopsie," said the striking woman dressed all in black with pasty complexion. "I have an idea - how about you tell me which stocks I should buy."

"Well, that would be flouting a great many laws," he explained.

"Laws, shmaws - I want to make a billion bucks!" she said with a grin.

After their date, Elvira invited her sugar daddy back to her haunted mansion. Warren looked concerned as he entered. Her living room was chock-a-block with carousel horses and gaudy amusement arcade machines. There was food moldering on the counter and rats scurrying in the kitchen.

"This is mess, Elvira!" said Warren.

"Sugar plum, I don't want to be excoriated by you!" she said.

"This disgusting house has brought this date to a juddering halt - it's even starting to sow panic in me. It's dicey for sure. At dinner, you shared nothing but vapid stories about old horror movies. I don' like horror and I certainly don't like your otherworldy decor," he said pointedly.

Elvira collapsed, began weeping, and bellowed, "I'm just a rudderless young woman."

Warren fell to his knees to comfort her. Suddenly, they embraced and began to feel quite randy.

Ding-a-ling-a-ling! Elvira's alarm clock woke her out of a beautiful dream. She was alone in her haunted mansion. She picked up her black cat and said, "Morticia, we'll have to wait a little longer for my true love, Warren Edward Buffet, to appear."

Color words: hearty, boisterous hollers of fishmongers, persnickety, flout, chock-a-block, moldering, excoriate, juddering halt, sow panic, dicey, vapid, otherworldly, pointedly, bellowed, rudderless, randy 

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